ANTI/body > ANTI/body Sculptures

ANTI/body 11 (Kali Anadyomene)
ANTI/body 11 (Kali Anadyomene)
Steel, copper, foam, chicken wire, plaster, spray paint, Flashe paint, epoxy clay, copper rivets, steel screws, textiles, fabric flowers, faux feathers, beads, glue
48 x 16 x 7 inches

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In this iteration of the ANTI/body series, the goddess Kali inhabits the trope of Venus rising from the sea – Kali’s black body also references another art historical source: the Voyage of the Sable Venus, a pro-slavery print depicting an enslaved African woman being transported across the Atlantic. Here, Kali is reclaiming her trauma, what is birthed is abundant, nebulous, perhaps a cellular form, perhaps a celestial orb.